Wednesday, July 31, 2013


File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 370 MB

01. Chher Chab Yangna Min Arch Plech Bong(Kell)​ || Download
02. Neak Kor Deng Yerng Chea Songsa(Kell)​ || Download
03. Srolanh Oun Slap Min Brae(Nico)​ || Download
04. Songsa Komdor Arom(Vanna Sok)​ || Download
05. Chob Phearokech Monus Komdor(Takma)​ || Download
06. Bong Yom Or Serch Soth Tae Mean Chomnaek Oun Der(Anna)​ || Download
07. Besdong Oun Ker Mean Tae Bong(Solika)​ || Download
08. Kom Tver Oy Neang Tuek Pneak Doch Oun(Kell)​ || Download
09. Som Hor Tuek Pnek Komdor Oun(Vanna Sok)​ || Download
10. Lkorn Tuek Pnek(Nico)​ || Download

Watch In YouTube

Monday, July 29, 2013

J-Tone Media​ CD Vol 2

File : MP3
Bitrate : 192 kbps
Quality : High
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 65 MB
Artist : Kola, Heng Pitu, Yuri

01.Pnher Songsa Pong - Ricky (Download)
02.Prean ToRosap - Ricky (Download)
03.Kamasit Batbong Chorng Oy Trlob - Mathilda (Download)
04.Min Thlorb Sarb Bong - Mathilda (Download)
05.Chong Mean Songsa Klang Nas - Rony (Download)
06.Songsa Ly Yong Je - Rony (Download)
07.Call Mok Pel Na Kor Yom - Ricky (Download)
08.Komlos PP Krmom Kos Kong (Download)
09. Pnhaer Songsa Pong (Only Music) (Download)
10.Kamasit Batbong Chorng Oy Trlob (Only Music) (Download)
11.Chorng Mean Songsa Klang Nas (Only Music) (Download)


Friday, July 26, 2013

Sunday VCD Vol 129

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 370 MB

01. Boom(Sereymon) || Download
02. Srey Kbot Chet Hea(Veasna) || Download
03. Komdor Bong Ban Treum Chheat Nes(Angi) || Download
04. Orb Oun Madong Teat Ban Te(Kola) || Download
05. Sophea Pek Ke Tha Lngong(Many) || Download
06. Songsa Khnhom Som Tov Choub Neak Psang(Angi) || Download
07. Dai Sdam Orb Oun Dai Chvel Chout Tuek Phnek Kloun Eng(Keo Veasna) || Download
08. Kom Bos Bong Ke Prous Tae Oun(Angi) || Download
09. Het Avey Teak Tort Chol(Keo Veasna) || Download
10. Bong Chea Songsa Oun Chos Oun Chea Songsa Neak Na(Many) || Download

Watch In Youtube

Sunday CD Vol 157

File : MP3
Bitrate : 192 kbps
Quality : High
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 65 MB
Artist : Kola, Heng Pitu, Yuri

01. Tver Monus Smos Min Ton Ban(Kola) || Download
02. Trolob Rok Ke Vinh Chos Ber Kvas Min Ban(Heng Pitu) || Download
03. Kom Kvol Tha Oun Mean Songsa Thmey Or Nov(Yuri) || Download
04. Luy Oun Min Dol Ke(Yuri) || Download
05. Puk Mae(Heng Pitu) || Download
06. Khmen Oun Bong Rok Thmey(Kola) || Download
07. Neak Srae Kalib Loy (Yuri) || Download
08. Besdong Komprae(Heng Pitu) || Download
09. Tver Songsa Knea Mdong Teat Ban Te(Kola) || Download
10. Keth Chas Ot Tha Chob Srolanh Bong(Yuri) || Download

Link Full Download : TusFiles

Watch In Youtube

Thursday, July 25, 2013

[Khmer MV] Am I In Love (Official Music Video)

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 20 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation

such  news,movies, comedies, songs, and so on.We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

[Khmer MV] Am I In Love (Official Music Video) || Download - MedaiFire

MYTV Khmer Comedy- Khmoch Tea Per

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 240 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation

such  news,movies, comedies, songs, and so on.We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New CTN Khmer Comedy-Somrab Yerng Teang Os Knea

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 240 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation

such  news,movies, comedies, songs, and so on.We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

MYTV Khmer Comedy- Muk Robor Thmey Sakmai Facebook

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 240 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation

such  news,movies, comedies, songs, and so on.We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

Sunday, July 21, 2013


File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Album : VCD 140
Size : 370 MB

01. Love.Com(Sovanna Banha) || Download
02. Dance & Love(Sophea) || Download
03. Pderm Sne Krom Tomnork Tuek Pleang(Bayarith) || Download
04. Choul Bong Tver Songsa(Zono) || Download
05. Batbang Sneha Kmean Avey Oscha(Sovanna Banha) || Download
06. Pel Kmean Bong Ban Loar Neng Oun Te(Sinouen) || Download
07. Ber Ot Pi Bong Ban Neak Na Srolanh Srolanh Oun(Sinouen) || Download
08. Tuk Bong Chea BROTHER Kor Ban(Reach) || Download
09. Monus Trong Rong Tuek Pnek(Sophea) || Download
10. Monus Oun Bong Arch Nhonhom(Zono) || Download

Watch In Youtube


File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 370 MB

01. Thnal Vichea Preah Sisovath High School(Sun Sreypich) || Download
02. Online Krob Pel(Soun Visa) || Download
03. Dak Dam Cham Songsa(Nov Sinouen) || Download
04. Snam Sne Thnort Te(Kanha) || Download
05. Monus Del Khnhom Somlanh Tuk Khnhom Chea Met(Sophea) || Download
06. Neak Deng Ban Deng(Zono) || Download
07. Besdong Bong Min Men Jouer(Sinouen) || Download
08. Het Avey Oy Bong Nek Ke(Sovannareach) || Download
09. Nek Phteas(Kanha) || Download
10. Deng Tha Kbot Nov Tae Srolanh(Sovat) || Download
11. Soniya Chob Kvel Pi Ke(Bayarith) || Download

Watch In Youtube


File : MP3
Bitrate : 192 kbps
Quality : High
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 61 MB
Artist : (Orb Sokun Kanha), (Preab Sovat)

01. Torosab Oun Dak Silent Tov Pel Nov Kbea Ke(Sovat) || Download
02. Hav Oun Baby Hav Ke Honey(Kanha) || Download
03. Som Tae Myang Kom Oy Ke Skol Lek Torosab Oun(Sovat) || Download
04. Avey Del Oun Klach Bompot Ker Batbang Rob Bong(Kanha) || Download
05. Somtos Bonder Yom Bonder(Sovat) || Download
06. Min Prom(Sovat) || Download
07. Neak Del Bombong Ke Kor Chher Chab(Kanha) || Download
08. Bong Khmas Ke Nas Oun Somlanh(Sovat) || Download
09. Songsa Loy Pek(Kanha) || Download

MediaFire || ZippyShare

Friday, July 19, 2013

CTN Khmer Comedy-Dombong Mdech Min Brab 2013

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 127 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation

such  news,movies, comedies, songs, and so on.We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

MYTV Khmer Comedy Roum Knea Komchat Krun Chheam

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 127 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation

such  news,movies, comedies, songs, and so on.We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

MYTV Khmer Comedy- Kou Sne Kleang Klach

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 127 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation
such  news,movies, comedies, songs, and so on.We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New CTN Khmer comedy 2013- Dav Tep Prampi Por

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 220 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation

such news,movies, comedies, songs, and so on
.We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

MYTV Khmer comedy Suo Smos Trong Kong Ke Chhouy

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 311 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your
expectation such news,movies, comedies, songs, and so on.We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

Monday, July 15, 2013

MYTV New Khmer comedy- Jeng Ban Vea Em

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 311 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation

such news,movies, comedies, songs, and so on.We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

Sunday CD Vol 156

File : MP3
Bitrate : 192 kbps
Quality : High
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 63 MB
Artist : (Niko)(Sok Sreyneang)(Iva)

01. Srolanh Knea Derm3 Bek(Niko) || Download
02. Cham Bong Slab Cham Oun Srok Tuek Phnek(Sok Sreyneang) || Download
03. Songsa Thmey Bong Chea Monus Bros(Iva) || Download
04. Hey Avey Ke Kohok Khnhom?(Niko) || Download
05. Khnhom Chea Monus Khoch Chet(Niko) || Download
06. Ke Mok Som Songsa Venh(Iva) || Download
07. Bong Men Del Khos Somderm Tae Mdong(Sok Sreyneang) || Download
08. Nek Oun Pel Phleng Phleak (Niko) || Download
09. Tuk Oy Neak Thmey Kbot Bong Chomnous Oun (Sok Sreyneang) || Download
10. Nek Bong Oun Yom(Iva) || Download

Link Full Download : TusFiles

Listen In Youtube 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Vanna Piseth Collection Vol 01

File : MP3
Bitrate : 96kbps
Quality : High
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 45 MB
Artist : Vanna Piset

01. Job Knea Ban Te | Download
02. Bong Kmean Brovath KBort Ke Te | Download
03. Pi Mun Oun Tek Pneak Pel Nis Bong Yum | Download
04. Klach Min Ach Douch Derm | Download
05. Yok Tek Pneak Bong Leang Ka Cheu Jab Oun | Download
06. Tek Pneak Bong Komdor Ka Bek Robos Oun | Download
07. Orngvor Chit Chhob Nek Oun | Download
08. Yang Na Kor Sne Oun | Download
09. Chhkout Prous Sne Oun | Download
10. Jong Khernh Oun Smos | Download
11. Kom Ton Thaem Ke Ban Te | Download
12. Pel Na Oun Yol Pi Arom Bong | Download
13. Ber Ke Kbort Oun Sne Bong Madong Teat Ban Te | Download
14. Tek Pneak Lork Lai Lung | Download
15. Os Nei Pel Oun Mean Tmey | Download
16. Sne Del Bong Klach | Download
17. How Much I Love You | Download
18. Kom Plech Louch Nek Bong | Download
19. Min Jong Mean Lerk Ti 2 | Download
20. Songsa Bong Smos | Download

MediaFire || ZippyShare

Khmer Comedy 2013 JiCheat Dek Bombaek Pheap Slech Slang

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 214 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation
such news,movies, comedies, songs, and so on.We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

Arn Kun Kola Collection Vol 01

File : MP3
Bitrate : 96kbps
Quality : High
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 45 MB

01. Nek Dol Bong Pong Pel Oun Sdab Bot Nes || Download
02. Kom Borbuol Bong Oy Srork Teuk Phnek || Download
03. Sok Sok Ke Som Songsa Vinh || Download
04. Somtos Del Tver Oy Oun Khoch Chet || Download
05. Ke Somkhan Pi Pel Na || Download
06. Penh Chet Maen Te Khernh Bong Chher Chab || Download
07. Ber Kmean Ke Bong Neng Srolanh Oun || Download
08. Teuk Pnek Ho Roum Knea || Download
09. Mouy Mat Sos Tha Lea Vea Yab Nas Ey || Download
10. Chher Lerng Leng Chong Chher || Download
11. Kert Mok Cheat Nis Somrab Smos Oun || Download
12. Songsa Chas Call Prab Bong Tha Oun Kbot || Download
13. Prom Yom Komdor oun || Download
14. Songsa Chomnous || Download
15. Songsa 1 Tngai Songsa 1 Chivit || Download

Link Full Download : TusFiles

Friday, July 12, 2013

MYTV Khmer Comedy- Keth Khus Rohot

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 214 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation such news, movies, comedies, songs, and so on
. We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!

Sin Sisamuth Collection Vol 01

File : MP3
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : High
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 45 MB

01. Kanseng Pak Pka(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
02.Tomnounh Jap Meas(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
03. Kanseng Srey Bak(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
04. Somneang Jab Meas(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
05. Yehob Phillin(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
06. Spean Otaki(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
07. Tep Tida Knong Soben(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
08. Somros Neang Chaev Tok Dor(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
09. Chomley Tam Khchol(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
10. Lea Stueng Songkae(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
11. Sen Kra-ob(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
12. Kal Oun Rom Monkeys(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
13 Smos Bunneng Hoy(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire
14.Sromorl Neak Na(Sin Sisamuth) || MediaFire

MediaFire || FileWe || TusFile

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Khmer Comedy Neak Mean Reaksa Ksot

File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 288 MB

Just sit and watch our website! You will enjoy other entertainments more than your expectation

such news, movies, comedies, songs, and so on. We will keep upload something new to serve your feeling. Thanks for subscription an watching our channel!


File : MP4
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : Superb
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 238 MB

01. Prakort Ot Tha Bek Oun_Solika || MediaFire / TusFile
02. Srolanh Oun Bunna Terb Bong Min Chher Chab_Vanna Sok || MediaFire / TusFile
03.Nek Songsa_Kuma || MediaFire / TusFile
04. Vel Mok Rok Oun Venh Ber Ke Kbot Bong Hoy_Thavann || MediaFire / TusFile
05. Sne Del Bong Klach_Vanna Piseth || MediaFire / TusFile
06. Prom Bek Teang Chet Nov Srolanh_Lody || MediaFire / TusFile
07. Dol Pel Bek Terb Brueng Srolanh_Nico || MediaFire / TusFile
08. Som Kom Nek Rob Ke Pel Bong Nov Mean Oun_Anna || MediaFire / TusFile
09. Kom Ton Os Chet Na Oun_Nico || MediaFire / TusFile
10. Tam Pet Bong Neak Kbot Ke Sos_Solika || MediaFire / TusFile

Watch In YouTube

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Chhay Vireak Yuth Collection Vol 01

File : MP3
Bitrate : 128kbps
Quality : High
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 66.7 MB

01. Dok Dong Hoem Ho Teuk Phnek || TusFiles // billionuploads
02. Mon Bong Skul Ke Oun Nov Aer Na  || TusFiles // billionuploads
03. Prous Tae Oun Bong Kbot Ke  || TusFiles // billionuploads
04. Chettana Kbot  || TusFiles // billionuploads
05. Min Hean Srolanh Khlach Oun Chher Chab || TusFiles // billionuploads
06. Oy Bong Som Tos  || TusFiles // billionuploads
07. Chher Chab Chheang Pel Na Teang Os  || TusFiles // billionuploads
08. Orkun Oun Del Srolanh Bong  || TusFiles // billionuploads
09. Monus Thleap Khoch Chet  || TusFiles // billionuploads
10. Chhe Chab Kon Dal Phlov  || TusFiles // billionuploads
11. Anit Tae Min Arch  || TusFiles // billionuploads
12. Arom Leak Sne  || TusFiles // billionuploads
13. Kom Pyeam Yeam Somrab Tuek Phnek  || TusFiles // billionuploads
14. Kom Bach Denh Bong Oy Sne Neak Phseng  || TusFiles // billionuploads
15. Min Tean Baek Knea Tae Mean Arom Chher Chab || TusFiles // billionuploads
16. Songsa Ka Chol  || TusFiles // billionuploads

Link Full Download : TusFile